One Body One Spirit Movement (OBOS) is a faith-based organization that believes in hope, life and love. It was initiated along with the 44th International Eucharistic Congress held in Seoul in 1989, willing to apply profound meaning of Eucharist to our daily life. Inspired by the 44th International Eucharistic Congress and Catholic Social Teaching, we work to make a peaceful world according to the spirit of Eucharistic Sacrament. Since the establishment of the organization by the late Cardinal Stephen Kim Sou-hwan in 1988, we, as part of Caritas Seoul, have been working in many fields such as international development cooperation, domestic social welfare work and life-sharing movement.

Caritas Seoul, aiming at creating a society full of Christian love and justice in which all can live a decent life as human beings regardless of religion, ideology and thought, works to realize the church's evangelization based on Jesus Christ's commandment of 'love for neighbors' and the Catholic Social Teaching principle of the 'Preferential Option for the Poor and the Vulnerable.'